Terms Dictionary

📚 The Terms Dictionary contains common terms used in BasicAI. Search when needed!


Ontology is an abstract concept that can be puzzling but fears not; we won't explore explanations.

Ontology is how we describe the world in a structured way.

There are some significant concepts in ontology, and let's try to explain what ontology is by explaining the image below.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset



A class represents a group of things or entities with common characteristics and properties.

In the Freeway image, we can easily abstract two classes: Car and Truck. Of course, it is also valid for abstract classes like Tree and Traffic Light. How you define classes truly depends on your annotation task. Regarding BasicAI, you can create two classes in the ontology to represent all cars and trucks.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset

Instance (Object)

The term "instance" (or "object") refers to an individual or a specific occurrence of a concept or class.

There are many cars and trucks in the Freeway image. Each is a specific occurrence of a car or truck, an instance, or an object.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset

truck 1 is an instance of Truck class.

truck 1 is an instance of Truck class.


An attribute refers to a property or characteristic associated with a class or an instance.

Let's shift our attention to truck 1.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset

This truck possesses several distinguishing characteristics, such as an unknown brand, an orange color, a medium size, a moving motion, and no occlusion.

  • Attribute name: The name of the characteristic, such as brand, color, size, motion, and occlusion.
  • Option: The annotators should provide the final annotation for the characteristic.

In BascAI, you can create nested attributes inside a class.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset


A classification refers to a special attribute that targets the data or scene itself

Let's zoom out and take a look at the entire image. Instead of focusing on specific objects, classifications are image properties used to describe the data or scene.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset

For example, we can configure several classifications to describe this image, such as Data Quality, Scenario, and Weather. In BasicAI, titles like "Scenario" are referred to as the Classification Name, while options like "City," "Freeway," "Parking," and "Stop-and-Go" are called the Classification Options. You should configure them in the classifications tab of ontology like below.

term definition, data annotation, labeling, ontology in ai, dataset


The dataset is where you organize and curate your data.


Data is the finest granularity of data partitioning in BasicAI

The definition of Data may vary depending on different data types or your task types. Below are the definitions for each type of data

📖 Image

Directly uploading images to the dataset

|--1.JPG #All the supported image files are defined as Data
📖 Video in image

Upload videos to an image dataset and extract frames.

|  |--1 ## Extracted by BasicAI, which will be treated as Data.
|  |--2 ## Extract by BasicAI, which will be treated as a Data
📖 LiDAR Fusion

Uploading LiDAR and image data to a LiDAR Fusion Dataset

|  |--lidar_point_cloud_0
|  |  |--1.pcd
|  |  |--2.pcd
|  |--image_0
|  |  |--1.jpg
|  |  |--2.jpg
|  |--image_1
|  |  |--1.jpg
|  |  |--2.jpg
|  |  |--3.jpg

🚧 We will search for PCDs in the "lidar_point_cloud_0" folder and then retrieve their fusion data based on the data name. Therefore, the final data will include PCDs labeled as 1 and 2. However, "3.jpg" will be ignored as it does not have corresponding PCD data.

📖 Video in Audio and Video

Uploading videos to an Audio and Video dataset


All supported audio and video will be treated as data.


Multiple consecutive data form a Scene

You can use a "Scene" for your annotation if you want consecutive tracking IDs for your data. The "Scene" is typically at a higher level than the Data.


A group of Scene or Data

A "Batch" is typically used to assist in managing and distributing data for tasks.