lmage Annotation

Image Tool

Using digital images from cameras and videos and deep learning models, machines can accurately identify and classify objects — and then react to what they see.

Image Annotation Overview

The interface of Image Annotation includes Tool, Image data/Canvas, Result, Data info and Settings area, which is straightforward.

Start to Annotate

Select the annotation types (bounding box, polygon and polyline) from the left toolbar that you need and draw on the canvas. After that, select the class and the attribute.

LaTeX Input and Validation

LaTeX is a software system for document preparation and it is a very useful function when transcribing books or handwritten documents.

After using the b-box to label target, enter the formula, and the mathematical formula can be generated in real time. If the formula is entered incorrectly, prompts will also be given.

  • In Ontology, create a class, and in Attributes, Input Type selects Text. Here, LaTeX Expressions can be set as on.
  • In Image Annotation Interface, create a result and select the class, then LaTeX Expressions can be input.
  • Use shortcut key , to display it or in result list, click ... button and turn Show Attr as on.

Run the Model to Predict

Image Annotation Tool is integrated with various models for different use cases.

With just one click, you can effortlessly run a model prediction and the results will be generated on the image.

All available models can be chosen from the list.

For model details and instructions on integrating it with your or third party’s models, refer to the Model page.

Run the Interactive Model

Select the interactive model (for segmentation) and draw a bounding box around the object. The AI model will then generate a polygon that accurately fits the identified object.

Data Info

Click on the Info icon to access information about the data. You can view the Data ID, name, dimensions, and file size.


The Settings section includes various parameters that can assist you in the annotation process by allowing you to adjust values or toggle options such as brightness, contrast, opacity, auxiliary lines, or display modes.

Shortcut List

Instance ToolKey
DataShortcut key
Switch to view/edit instanceAlt + 1
Switch to view/edit segmentationAlt + 2
PreviousPage Up
NextPage Down
ActionsShortcut key
SaveCtrl/⌘ + S
Delete instance/pointDelete
Finish drawingEnter or Space
Switch alias/nameO
Show/hide tag padT
Move upper side out by 1pxCtrl/⌘ + ↑
Move bottom side out by 1pxCtrl/⌘ + ↓
Move left side out by 1pxCtrl/⌘ + ←
Move right side out by 1pxCtrl/⌘ + →
Move upper side out by 10pxCtrl/⌘ + Shift + ↑
Move bottom side out by 10pxCtrl/⌘ + Shift + ↓
Move left side out by 10pxCtrl/⌘ + Shift + ←
Move right side out by 10pxCtrl/⌘ + Shift + →
UndoCtrl/⌘ + Z
RedoCtrl/⌘ + Shift + Z
Crop1 Do not crop the first oneX
Crop2 Crop the first oneCtrl + X
Shared edge polygon by pointsK
Switch shared edgeL
Shared edge polygon by edgesCtrl/⌘ + K
ToolShortcut key
Smart ToolE
Bounding box tool1
Polygon tool2
Polyline tool3
Ellipse tool4
Circle tool5
Spline curve tool6
Key-point tool7
Circle tool5
Cuboid tool8
ResultShortcut key
Show single resultS
Switch results↑ ↓
Switch result numberJ
Switch commentsN
Switch classM
Switch label and attributes,
Switch sizeB
Switch mark/mask.
ImageShortcut key
Zoom in/outWheel
DragSpace + Left click
Cancel/close popupEsc