Annotate and Review Task

My Task

Workers can see their assigned tasks.

Worker users are able to see their assigned tasks. Learn more details on Role & Permissions page.

Find the data you want to work on according to the Progress and Stage Type of the task.

In this example, this demo account is assigned for Task ID 600007 both Annotate and Review, so two tasks (Annotation and Review) can be found separately.

Annotate Task

Here you can see all data assigned to you,
according to Admin's Settings in Task.

Activities filter allows you to quickly find data with comments/with my comments/with rejection flags.

Annotation Interface

Learn more annotation tool user guide details, jump to Image Tool and Lidar Tool pages.

When you start entering annotation/review tasks, the countdown will start automatically. (This will involve platform fees on a later version.)

  • Press Pause (Shift + P) and Restart (Ctrl/CMD + Shift + P) to control the timer.

    If the timer expires, all claimed data will be released to the task pool.

  • Click Workflow Detail to view who is involved in this task flow.

  • Click Submit (Shift + D) to submit the current work.

  • Click X to exit the task. You can select to save changes and keep these data to yourself or release it to the task pool for others to claim.

Review Task

It is similar to the Annotation Task here.

  • Click Modify (Shift + M) to annotate data which is the same with Annotation Task.

  • Click Comment Tool (F) to leave a comment to point out annotation errors.

  • Reject button can return this task to the previous work flow stage and the annotator can edit the task according to comments.

  • Click Pass (Shift+D) to submit the task to the next stage

  • Target Stage: Return the task to this workflow stage

  • Worker

    • Worker: Who submitted this work
    • New: Assign to any other worker in the stage
  • Result

    • Keep results: Keep all results and performances
    • Clear results: Clear all ground truth results
  • Reject Reasons: Type in the reason for rejection